Joining ARIAS (UK)

The Society’s membership comprises the following categories:

  • ARIAS (UK) Arbitrators and Mediators
  • Corporate Members
  • Individual Members
  • Life and Honorary Members

Arbitrators and Mediators

The panel of arbitrators comprises persons who have, in the main, occupied senior positions in the re/insurance market as an underwriter, broker or claims executive. There are also some who have credentials in other areas of expertise relating to re/insurance, notably legal and accountancy. Most of the panel members are based in England but there are also a number based in other parts of Europe and in the USA. The panel members, now numbering almost 100, are also provided with tutorials on arbitration practice and are encouraged to attend the Society’s (annual) conferences to supplement their knowledge. Details of those panel members who have authorised their inclusion on our website are available on the panel members’ page. The current panel member subscription is £150 for one year or £250 for two years. To apply for panel membership of the Society, an application form can be downloaded here.

Corporate Members

The Society’s supporting members comprise firms engaged in the re/insurance market as solicitors, insurers, reinsurers or brokers and other advisers. To ensure the Society continues to operate effectively, supporting members are, from 2015, being asked to make an annual contribution of £250 per firm. In return, the Society will give greater prominence to such firms by providing a link to each firm’s website or to its relevant department’s webpage as well as links to up to three named partners or associates. Additionally, supporting firms’ nominated individuals will be invited to attend the Society’s annual conference held each year in early summer. Details of existing supporting members are listed here. These particulars will be up-dated as and when replies are received from firms wishing to continue their support on a subscription basis. An application form is available for firms wishing to become supporting members.

Individual Members


Life and Honorary Members

The Society recognises the outstanding support it has received over the years from a number of key individuals by conferring Life or Honorary membership on them.

ARIAS (UK) Accredited Mediators

Most of the Society’s mediation panel members are accredited by Nottingham Law School’s Faculty of Dispute Resolution, having successfully completed that Faculty’s training programme. Others who have demonstrated to ARIAS (UK) their particular experience in this field have received their accreditation by those means. Whilst those ARIAS (UK) panel members who have accredited mediator status have their individual panel member entries annotated as such, a full list of the Society’s accredited mediators is included under the Mediation Scheme section.

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